Eater’s Pledge
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I pledge to ...
Spend at least 10% or $10 of my weekly food budget on locally grown and made organic foods and/or those carrying the Michigan Farmers Pledge.
Buy food directly from local farms that are either certified organic or have signed the Michigan Farmers Pledge as often as possible.
Choose local organic or Farmer’s Pledge foods when possible and other local foods when those are not available.
Learn to eat seasonally, enjoying fruits and vegetables at their proper time.
Encourage locally owned food businesses to buy local organic and farmers pledge products and patronize them when they do.
Try at least one new locally grown fruit or vegetable each week.
Preserve fresh seasonal foods to enjoy later in the year (freeze, can, dehydrate).
Plan at least one meal each week featuring local organic or farmers pledge foods for family, friends or neighbors.
Choose regionally grown/produced and/or fair trade foods when organic or farmers pledge local foods are not available.